blog is best thing for me...can rite my own feeling inside..
then, not need to put the sadness thnigs hat happen to me everyday at my heart^^
i hate my life..dunno why...
owes got soi soi de things happen to me...
i hate it!! today dunno why ler..
my mum sot liao..quarell with her again...
i am not WRONG!!! are you kisiao????
haiz...i juz like a shit...
cannot make myself happy=.=
sometime i reli dunno want tell who my feeling~~~~
i so miss my popo....and oso missing about you(my best frenz forever)
but you ppl are not beside me...you are the one that cares about me...
i hate alone!!!! i oledi sienz liao...this type of life is juz like SHIT!!!
i am juz like a paper in people heart=.=
the only things that i can do is cry..
afer cry will becum tired...then my eyes will close by itself...
i hate crying..i can't control myelf everytime...
my eyes oledi veri painful liao...
owes wish that my eys wouldn't open forever^^
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