today become fei po liao lor...
so fat liao lor..still eat^^
today after 12 go to pick hilda..
then, we go dynasty hotel to eat buffet...
when arrive at stomach so hungry....
cause no take breakfast mar=.=
haha...we wait for 30 minutes ler..
to wait for those stupid boys lor...
me, hilda,yung, everise, hao and lee....
we take so many food bar....but not to many can take ler...
cause so many malay people come to makan...haiz...
like didn't hav eat before...keep on taking food...
altough veri full liao still take some more to eat..
cause dun wan to waste the money expensive...
one ppl 40++++.....haha.....
the food not reli nice lor.....><
after that, we go parkson heng gai lor....
today is public holiday, so many car lar...
yung can't find parking...we turn 3 round liao still no sienz^^
then, we go basement carpark lor...
finally, find dao a parking place~~~~
when, we arrive at parkson, see dao ming ming and taufushop...
wakaka~~~ me dun wan to be light bub ar^^
we go watch movie BANGKOK DANGEROUS!!!!
the cinema so hot lar...HATE IT!!!
make me fell mood watch ler..
after watching movie, c dao a lot of friend....hehe....
after 5 yung send us back home ler...
yung, thx for send me back home =.=
at nite, go double star with Qian and her family....
today didn't take dao any photo with people...piff..
not yet upload some photo=)
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